Welcome to your Chiropractor in Palatine!

It's Your Life... Live it in Health!

As leading chiropractors in Palatine, the leading health professionals at Preventative Healthcare, S.C. are dedicated to helping you achieve your wellness objectives — combining skill and expertise that spans the entire chiropractic wellness spectrum. Dr. Daman Singh and Dr. Jay Basra are committed to bringing you better health and a better way of life by teaching and practicing the true principles of chiropractic wellness care.

Patients seeking treatment at Preventative Healthcare, S.C. with our doctors are assured of receiving only the finest quality care through the use of modern chiropractic equipment and technology. Our doctors and our staff have a genuine concern for your well-being! We pride ourselves in providing the utmost quality and attention to your care.

If you are new to our practice, please feel free to discover and learn about chiropractic wellness. If you are interested in starting your journey towards wellness please subscribe to our award winning newsletter. If you are already a newsletter subscriber, please explore the member wellness section of our website for wellness articles, resources, and health facts—specifically targeted by our physicians to your wellness needs and interests.

Our Services

A True Devotion to Healing


At Preventative Healthcare, S.C., we take great pride in providing the finest chiropractic wellness care to our patients. Below is a sampling of the different chiropractic services we offer in our Palatine office.

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Better Doctors.

Better Care

Dr. Daman Singh and Dr. Jay Basra are licensed and Board Certified Chiropractors serving the Palatine community.

Contact Us

Industry Experience

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Brilliant Team

Nunc facilisis mauris id luctus nunc amet lacus faucibus lorem.

Creative & Professional

Pellen tesque habitant morbi tristique amet glavrida senectu.

Complex Sollutions

Lorem ipsum – tesque morbi dolor for nulla tristique senectu.

100% Result Guarantee

Dolor glavrida amet habitant morbi dolor agalvida – for tristique lorem senectu.

Transforming Healthcare

Dr. Daman Singh and Dr. Jay Basra have been freeing people from pain in the clinic in Palatine, IL. As Chiropractors with experience, Dr. Singh and Dr. Basra are committed to promoting optimal health and well being of patients.

Preventative Health Care

Have any questions or ideas? Feel free to contact us!